Thursday, September 27, 2007

I'd like a Double Grande NF Split Shot Extra Hot SF Vanilla Dry Cap

Working for a well known coffee shop in Seattle for over a year now has really opend up my mind to how many crazy people there really are in this world. I'm not real sure how people get to a point where they have nothing better to do than bitch. Or to come up with the fact that they like a 'Single Tall NF Extra Hot One Pump SF Vanilla Split Shot Latte' Oh... and don't forget... 'NO FOAM' Just drink your cup of coffee. Who wants a burnt cup of milk with rat poison? And the things these people complain about. 'your toys are dirty.' (don't you think God gave your child an imune system? He made them to crawl on the floor! and yes! of course we clean the toys!) *Side not.... i'm doing my very hardest to keep this PG! I def have some choice words I would like to us. *smile* 'Do you think you could make some of your cookies that aren't dipped in chocolate!?' (Make your own!) 'I've been outside walking and have accumulated my body to the cold. Now when i come in your shop i'm hot. Can you turn the heat down? Oh... and I want my latte extra hot.' (granted the cust didn't say that exactly....) 'Oh! I said to go. No. I need you to remake it. It looses heat when you transfer to the paper cup.' (are you serious!?) I don't understand! i mean! I like my coffee the way I like my coffee. But come on people! Here are a few complaints i found when looking on the net about our shop...

Please notice that someone CUT DOWN THE TREE outside near the bench!!! There is a story about this, but evidently the manager was concnerned that people were tripping on the root. He called the building manager to see what could be done about the root and before he knew it, people showed up with chain saws and the tree was GONE! They also did not have a city permit to do it either! Complain about the missing tree!!!

*NOTE TO ALL... if you complain enough... maybe the tree will come back!

Power outlets are limited. It's crowded with students studying, some using laptops and power. Was there for a few hours - would have stayed longer, but after the my battery was out and no easy way to access power, I had to leave. The food is not impressive and the coffee prices are high for the quality and quantity.

This is my least-favorite Wi-Fi coffee house. The espresso is terrible (all their drinks are), the service is lousy (snotty and sour), and the place is always too crowded. And then to top it off, they just raised their prices sky-high! And they have a new policy where a single-shot tall costs as much as a double-shot, and a double-shot grande costs as much as a triple-shot, etc. What a rip-off!

I think that because they are always so crowded and get so much business, they feel that they don't have to try very hard. The management really gets away with murder here. I'm going to avoid this place in the future. There are other choices....

*show me a place that doesn't charge you the same. and maybe we are snotty and sour cuz we deal with people like you! :)

I'll stop now. I just don't understand why people are so set on finding what is wrong with a place. And why they have to be so picky. There are no seats in the house because people like to be here. If you don't. Then don't come. And just because you came in one day and someone didn't smile at you... doesn't mean were sour. Maybe there was something crazy going on earlier.

*here is a post in our defense*

Sorry, I have to disagree with one of the posters above, I think this place has some of the absolute best coffee/espresso in all of Seattle. I go there quite regularly and it is hard to get coffee/espresso anyplace else. The Wi Fi is good considering that most of the time it is somewhat difficult to find a seat. Also the people behind the counter are not snooty at all (I find them very friendly considering how busy they are). The only drawback of the place is that the wait is sometimes long (if you want an instant coffee, go to Starbucks).

*YEAH! Go to Starbucks!

I love my job! I love my customers! I just don't understand a lot of people. And well... I just felt like complaining about it.